Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday told the National Security Guard (NSG) to upgrade its skills as terrorists were adopting social media for publicity and could use vehicles to run over people in crowded places.
The minister told the NSG’s 34th Raising Day event that the government was setting up NSG regional hubs to speed up its response time in case of crisis. One such hub was inaugurated in Hyderabad recently.
He said one unit of the NSG will be deployed in Jammu and Kashmir. Singh said, “We have seen best coordination among security forces in Jammu & Kashmir resulting in successful security operations.”
The Home Minister said the government had strengthened security. “In the last four-and-a-half years there was no big terrorist attack in the hinterland of the country largely due to the alertness of our security forces. Barring Jammu and Kashmir, our security forces have succeeded in preventing terrorist attacks in the rest of the country”.
He, however, said, the first respondent in any terrorist attack should be the state police.
The Home Minister launched the newly created website and Twitter handle of NSG. In the 34 years since its inception, the NSG secured a solid place for itself in the security grid of the nation, he said.
“NSG has become a specialised force with multidimensional roles in counter-terrorism, antihijacking and close protection operations. NSG has fulfilled all tasks entrusted to it with full dedication. People of our country have developed enormous trust in NSG while the enemies are scared of its capabilities,” he said.