Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar will take the oath of office as the Governor of Kerala on January 2. The Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court, Nitin Madhukar Jamdar, will administer the oath to Arlekar at the Raj Bhavan Auditorium on Thursday.
Arlekar will arrive in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday and will stay at the Raj Bhavan guest block.
The outgoing Governor, Arif Mohammed Khan, who is set to replace Arlekar as the Governor of Bihar, is also expected to take charge on Thursday. Although Governor Arif Mohammed Khan was scheduled to be honoured at a farewell event at the Raj Bhavan on Saturday, the programme, organised by the Raj Bhavan staff, has been postponed due to the seven-day national mourning period following the death of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Arif Mohammed Khan is demitting office amid a prolonged stand-off between the Raj Bhavan and the LDF government, marking the culmination of an eventful tenure at Raj Bhavan.