39-member JPC on ‘one nation, one election’ bills announced
A 39-member Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) was constituted on Friday to review two bills related to "one nation, one election".
The state government Rajasthan defended ‘The Prisons Bill-2023’ calling it a step towards prison reforms.
[Representational Photo : iStock]
Rajasthan Legislative Assembly on Tuesday passed by voice vote a Bill that seeks to provide video conferencing facility in 96 per cent jails and facilities and infrastructure in open prisons.
Defending the provisions of the new legislation, The Rajasthan Prisons Bill-2023, the Social Justice and Empowerment Minister (Minister incharge Jail) Tikaram Jully said the steps were necessary to raise the standards of prisons, to keep the prisoners in safe custody, treat them with compassion, to impart skill development and vocational training to them, and to arrange welfare and correctional activities in prisons to ensure their rehabilitation.
Jully further said, “The proposed legislation, apart from consolidating the law relating to prisons and prisoners, provides for reformatory provisions under a single umbrella like entitlement of basic human rights to prisoners, constitution of a board for skill development programmes and vocational training, appointment of a state advisory board on prisons for advising the government on matters relating to the management of jails.”
Claiming that Rajasthan would be the first state to bring such an Act for jail reforms, the Minister-in-charge assured the House that after about two hours of debate, “The said legislations were made to confine the convicted prisoners in custody and punish or retreat them from committing offences in future.”