Taking a swipe at the Modi government’s ‘Make in India’ scheme, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi while addressing an election rally in Maharashtra’s Latur region recently said, “(Make in India) khattam ( finsihed), bye-bye, tata, good-bye, gaya (gone).” This statement has gone viral on social media.
The Congress leader took a jibe at PM Modi and the scheme in question and said that it had failed to take off and instead Chinese companies are coming here. He then said that it is time to say goodbye to the scheme in a sarcastic manner. The above said line spoken in one breath , caught the attention of twitteratis and several funny memes started floating on social media.
Watch Rahul Gandhi’s speech here which caught the attention of social media users:
Social media users were quick to use his speech and their wit to showcase the abrupt end to things. Take a look: