During his recent visit to Tamil Nadu, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi joined members of the Toda tribal community in a lively dance in the village of Muthunadu near Ooty. The heartwarming moment was caught on camera and shared online.
Sporting a traditional shawl, Rahul Gandhi happily participated in a circle dance with the local residents. The video clip, shared by ANI, was captioned, “Congress MP Rahul Gandhi with members of the Toda tribal community in Muthunadu village near Ooty in Tamil Nadu.”
This visit holds special significance as it marks Mr. Gandhi’s first trip to his constituency, Wayanad, in Kerala, since his reinstatement as a Lok Sabha MP. He’s scheduled to attend a district Congress Committee meeting in Wayanad, and his supporters are gearing up to give him a warm welcome.
VT Siddique, the Working President of Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, expressed his excitement about Mr. Gandhi’s visit, saying, “There will be a very warm welcome, the warmest in Wayanad’s history, for Rahul Gandhi.” The district Congress Committee meeting is expected to be a platform for meaningful discussions and interactions.
After his engagements in India, Rahul Gandhi is all set for an international journey. In the second week of September, he’ll be visiting Belgium, France, and Norway. During this trip, he plans to connect with university students, the Indian community, and members of the European Union Parliament. This initiative underscores his commitment to fostering global relationships and understanding.
On another note, Mr. Gandhi is gearing up for the second phase of the Bharat Jodo Yatra, a journey aimed at connecting diverse communities across the country. This yatra, symbolizing unity and inclusivity, will take him from Gujarat to Meghalaya. This announcement was confirmed by Maharashtra Congress chief Nana Patole.