Accusing the BJP-led Union government of financial mismanagement and failure to combat inflation, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Rajya Sabha member Raghav Chadha, on Monday, said while prices of petrol have been hiked by 78 times, that of diesel by 76 times across the country in the past one year even as revenue from petroleum was a whopping Rs 4.92 lakh crore in 2021-22.
Citing these figures from a reply by the government to his question in Rajya Sabha, Chadha said the government’s reply stated that the prices of petrol were hiked by 78 times and that of diesel 76 times in the last one year.
Quite surprisingly, as against the steady increase in fuel prices, the number of times that prices were reduced was only seven and 10 times for petrol and diesel respectively in the same period (2021-2022), he added.
Chadha said the Central government had collected a colossal Rs 4,92,303 crore revenue in 2021-22. It had witnessed Rs 1.5 lakh crore rise in revenue as compared to 2019-20. Despite these staggering collections, the government is relentlessly putting a burden on the poor and the common people by increasing fuel prices instead of giving financial relief to people reeling under inflation, he said.
Chadha said the BJP government’s continuity, consistency, and coherence is restricted to achieving phenomenal and extraordinary heights of inflation only.
He said the Union government miserably failed to control inflation as fuel, milk, and eggs have increased at the fastest rate in 40 years. It is least concerned about the well-being of common people and only focused on giving favours to their some ‘friends’, who are becoming richer and richer every day.