The Delhi Police on Thursday issued a lookout circular against the farmer leaders named in the FIRs in connection with the violence that took place in the national capital on Republic Day. The farmer leaders named in the FIRs will be asked to surrender their passports.
The Delhi Police has registered over 25 FIRs, which include over 30 of the 40 farmer union leaders who were involved in talks with the central government.
The police are scanning through footage of violence that erupted on Republic Day after a section of farmers began the tractor rally before the agreed time, which was after the Republic day parade.
The Delhi Police has named Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu and social activist Lakha Sidhana in an FIR in connection with the Red Fort incident.
The police have also named 37 farmer leaders, including Swaraj India President Yogendra Yadav, social activist Medha Patkar and Bharatiya Kisan Union’s Haryana unit President Gurnam Singh Chanduni in the FIR filed in connection with the violence during the Republic Day tractor rally on Tuesday.
The police also issued notice to farmer leader Darshan Pal of Samyukt Kisan Morcha for alleged violation of the agreed route and time of the tractor rally.
The farmers had assembled at the border around 8.30 am and instead of the agreed route, insisted upon going to Central Delhi and upon being stopped got ‘violent’, the police said. The farmers forced their way inside the Red Fort and hoisted the flag there.
The government on Wednesday condemned the violence. Union minister Prakash Javadekar said, “Action should be taken against all of those who instigated others. India won’t tolerate the manner in which the Tricolour was insulted at the Red Fort.”
He accused the Congress of instigating the farmers and said, “The Congress wants to create a situation of unrest in the country.”
The Delhi Police on Wednesday had alleged that a few farmer leaders made inflammatory speeches and were involved in the violence during the tractor parade by agitating farmers that had left more than 300 police personnel injured.
The Delhi Police has said that till now nineteen people have been arrested in connection with the violence. The police have detained fifty people who are being questioned and action against 300 odd Twitter accounts has been taken since Tuesday.
Thousands of farmers broke barricades and entered the national capital as part of their proposed tractor parade against the three farm laws. The police had to use tear gas and lathi-charged the protesting farmers.