An agitated Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday asked when BJP chief Amit Shah will be questioned in Judge Loya’s case as Delhi Police raided his residence to review CCTV visuals of the night of February 19 when Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash was allegedly assaulted in the premises.
“A large number of police personnel have been sent at my home. Very good. But when will Amit Shah be questioned in Judge Loya’s death case?” said Kejriwal in a tweet in Hindi.
In another tweet, Kejriwal questioned why his entire house was being searched to prove allegations of “two slaps” but there was no investigation into a murder case.
The Delhi CM has again tried to bring the Judge Loya case under the spotlight in the wake of a “rebellion” against the Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra, by the four senior Supreme Court judges.
Many believe, Judge Loya’s death and the speculations that followed was one of the reasons behind the mutiny.
Judge Brijgopal Harkishan Loya was hearing the Sohrabuddin case involving Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah but died due to cardiac arrest in 2014.
About two weeks after his death, the judge who replaced him discharged Shah and ruled out a trial.
Meanwhile, a team of at least a dozen police officers reached the CM’s residence in Flagstaff Road in Delhi’s Civil Lines at around 12 noon and were seen rushing inside the property.
The raid takes place a day after Kejriwal’s adviser VK Jain told police that he saw Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legislators Amanatullah Khan and Prakash Jarwal “physically assaulting” Prakash.
The AAP defended by stating that Jain had initially told police that he did not witness any assault and police has threatened Jain to change his statement.
On Tuesday, the Chief Secretary had alleged that he was beaten up by the two AAP MLAs in the presence of Kejriwal at the Chief Minister’s residence on Monday night, where he had been called for an emergency meeting.