The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its ongoing campaign against corruption on Wednesday registered a bribery case against a peon identified as Gurdhir Singh posted at Tehsil Office-2, Amritsar, for demanding and accepting bribe Rs one lakh.
Disclosing this on Wednesday, an official spokesperson of the Vigilance Bureau (VB) said that Gurdhir Singh was booked on the basis of an online complaint lodged by complainant Jaibir Singh, resident of village Kakka Kandiala, Tarn Taran district.
He has complained to the VB that peon Gurdhir Singh has demanded and accepted a bribe of Rs 1,00,00 to help his mother-in-law for furnishing no objection certificate (NOC) to execute the registry of a plot.
The spokesperson further informed that after verification of the facts and the material evidence, it has come to light that the accused has received this bribe amount and returned to the complainant after he failed to provide the same.
In this regard a case under Section 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against the accused peon at VB police station, Amritsar. Further investigation is under progress. The accused has been served with a notice to appear before the VB within three days in this regard.