A day after Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said that his government has zero tolerance to corruption, Revenue Minister Bram Shanker Jimpa on Thursday praised the anti-corruption campaign started by the CM in the last nine months.
He said action is being taken against the corrupt politicians and top officers by Bhagwant Mann with determination and for the success of this campaign common people should freely support the Punjab government.
Jimpa said as soon as the Mann government was formed, the state government under the leadership of Mann had taken a vow that the corruption would be eradicated from Punjab and corruption of any level would not be tolerated.
He warned that bribe takers should understand that no amount of pressure can prevent them from taking action.
The Revenue Minister said the common people were very unhappy with the performance of many departments during the rule of previous governments, but since the CM took over, significant changes are being seen in the state.
By exposing the politicians and officers who looted Punjab through corrupt methods, the Mann government has given a clear signal that no minister, officer or employee who commits corruption will be spared, added Jimpa.
He further said it is the duty of the government officers and employees to serve the people and provide hassle-free services. Despite this, the employees who indulge in corrupt activities should still improve because bribery will not be tolerated at any level.
He also appealed to the officers and employees of the revenue department to give priority to common man’s work and to do people’s work without recommendation and bribe.
Jimpa also appealed to the people of Punjab that no bribe should be given to any officer or employee for doing any work related to the revenue department and if anyone asks for a bribe, it should be reported immediately.
He said that corrupt officers and employees will not be spared at any cost. The Mann government is strictly against corruption and there is no amnesty for bribe takers.
After the CM warned Punjab Civil Service (PCS) officers, who were on mass leave to protest the arrest of their colleague in a corruption case to join duty or face suspension, the PCS Officers’ Association on Wednesday withdrew its protest and decided to resume work immediately.