Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, on Friday, visited the family of a jawan, Kuldeep Singh, at his village, Lohke Kalan in Ferozepur, who laid down his life in the service of the nation on the Indo-China border. On his visit, he paid condolences and handed the bereaved family a cheque of Rs 1 crore as ex gratia.
Speaking on the occasion, the CM said, “The Punjab government salutes this brave heart. Kuldeep Singh from the 21st Sikh regiment of the Indian Army had made the supreme sacrifice while defending the borders of the country.”
He said the citizens will always remain indebted to Jawan Kuldeep Singh, who attained martyrdom to safeguard the security and sovereignty of the country.
Paying glorious tributes to the martyr, Mann added that Singh brought glory to the country in general and to Punjab in particular through his exemplary courage and professional commitment.
The CM also stated that Punjab has always set an example of peace, communal harmony and brotherhood through such valiant people. He said all the citizens of the country are with the family of this national hero who sacrificed his life for his motherland.