Protest by Jammu’s reserved category employees in support of their demand for transfer to their home districts from the Kashmir Valley entered its 27th day on Monday. They launched the agitation following the targeted killing of a teacher Rajni Bala by terrorists in Kulgam.
The protesting employees urged Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to transfer them to Jammu by framing a comprehensive time-bound transfer policy. Besides, they appealed to the administration not to pressurise them to resume their duty in Kashmir or deploy them at the Amarnath pilgrimage.
The reserved category employees are scared of returning to Kashmir, said a spokesman of the protesting employees in view of targeting killings by terrorists.
Addressing the protesters, Mohinder Bhagat, President of Bhagat Maha Sabha J&K, extended his unconditional support to them and urged the government to immediately transfer all Jammu-origin employees to their respective home districts as they are not part of a rehabilitation policy of the government and frame a comprehensive transfer policy in their favour at the earliest.