Incidents of violence and slogan shouting were reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj and Saharanpur on Friday after prayers when people began protesting against former BJP spokespersons’ remarks on the Prophet.
Trouble began in Atala in Prayagraj after the prayers when protesters started shouting slogans. The police tried to prevent the protesters from moving in different directions. However, some of the protesters pelted stones at the police that retaliated with tear gas shells.
In Saharanpur, protesters shouted slogans seeking action against the former BJP spokespersons.
Similar scenes were reported from Moradabad and Lucknow.
In Lucknow, thousands of protesters at the Tile Wali Masjid were prevented by the police form crossing the barricades.
Additional Director General (Law and order) Prashant Kumar said the situation adequate forces had been deployed to ensure peace.
He said that the situation was being closely monitored and authorities were keeping a close vigil on social media too.
In some localities in other cities of the state, Muslims downed their shutters in protest against Nupur Sharma’s statement.
In some places, Muslims submitted memorandums to district officials listing their demand.