Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi, who recently took oath as the Wayanad MP, is set to address her constituency for the first time on Saturday after her historic victory in the just-concluded bypolls. The MP will hold a joint public meeting with her brother and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi.
The meeting is scheduled to take place on Saturday at Mukkam in the Thiruvambadi Assembly constituency of Kozhikode district.
Priyanka Gandhi clinched her electoral victory in the Wayanad Lok Sabha bypoll with a commanding margin of 4,10,931 votes.
Later in the day, receptions will be held for Priyanka Gandhi at Karulai in Nilambur, Wandoor, and Edavanna in Eranad by 2.15 P.M., 3.30 P.M. and 4.30 P.M. respectively.
Priyanka Gandhi officially assumed her role as Wayanad MP amidst loud cheers and chants of “Bharat Jodo” from Congress supporters earlier on Thursday. Holding a booklet of the Indian Constitution, a symbolic gesture popularised by the INDIA bloc during this Parliament session, she exuded confidence as she took the oath.
The bypoll was necessitated after Rahul Gandhi vacated the seat earlier this year. During the campaign, the primary question revolved around whether Priyanka could surpass her brother’s record-breaking margin.
Priyanka’s victory marks a significant moment in her political journey, coming nearly 20 years after she first campaigned for her mother, Sonia Gandhi, in Raebareli and her brother in Amethi during the 2004 Lok Sabha elections. Her debut as an elected representative is seen as a pivotal step in solidifying the Congress’ presence in Kerala and revitalising the party’s fortunes at the national level.