President Droupadi Murmu on Thursday donned the role of a teacher and interacted with students of Dr Rajendra Prasad Kendriya Vidyalaya, President’s Estate in the national capital, on completion of two year of presidency.
The president’s brief interaction came on the day of completion of the second year of her term.
Murmu taught the students of Class IX of the school. In her brief yet lively interaction with Class 9 students of the school, the President imparted lessons on nature conservation and climate change.
Recalling the time when she was of their age, Murmu shared her experiences of caring for plants and animals.
The students responded with enthusiasm and offered many suggestions too.
Murmu was sworn in as the 15th President of India on 25 July, 2022. Previously, she was the Governor of Jharkhand from 2015 to 2021. She has devoted her life to empowering the downtrodden and the marginalized sections and deepening the democratic values.
The President was associated with several tribal socio-educational and cultural organisations of Odisha.
She is an avid reader and has keen interest in spirituality.