President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday urged the students of IIM Jammu to always remain connected with their roots and play a key role in the startup ecosystem of the country.
The President, who was the chief guest, was speaking at the fifth convocation of the IIM.
He urged the IIM Jammu and other institutes in its proximity to adopt towns and villages of the neighbourhood and channel the potential of the people there for bigger goals, be it in the field of entrepreneurship or research, or skill development.
He said; “I am happy that IIM Jammu, IIT Jammu, and AIIMS Jammu are integrating and offering courses in which students from one institute can get access to the other. This integration of courses and institutes is in line with the objectives of the National Education Policy-2020”.
“As you step into the world of professional excellence and move from one place to another, I urge you to always remain connected with your roots. Never fail to give back to the society which has given you the opportunity to become a successful individual”, the President said.
He said that for India to become a global knowledge hub, our institutes of learning have to be globally comparable.
Attaching importance to the event as it relates to the future of youth and to the future of India. “Yesterday I interacted with VCs of Central Universities and Director Institutions of national importance in presence of the Union Minister of Education and experts of higher education responsible for implementing education policy. The future of our country depends on good education therefore I try not to miss any opportunity that is related to the promotion of education. I remember having attended virtually the implementation of education policy in J&K in September last year, he said.
The National Education Policy seeks to position India as a knowledge hub in today’s knowledge economy. It seeks to make our youth equipped for the world of the 21st century while preserving our ancient values which remain relevant. For India to become a global knowledge hub our institutes of learning have to be globally comparable.
“I am happy to note that the number of Indian institutions in the global ranking is gradually increasing. Few institutions like IIM Jammu have adopted global best practices” he said.
Lt. Governor Manoj Sinha, Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh and Director IIM Dr. BS Sahay were among others who spoke on the occasion.
The President was earlier during the day received at the airport by LG Manoj Sinha and others. The President is expected to pay obeisance at the Vaishnodevi shrine on Friday before leaving for Himachal Pradesh.