Two days ahead of polling for the high profile Udhampur Lok Sabha constituency, three powerful improvised explosive devices (IEDs) weighing 21 kgs were recovered on Wednesday when the security forces busted a terrorist hideout in the border district of Poonch.
Reports said that the IEDs were recovered near the Line of Control (LoC) in a joint search operation by the Rashtriya Rifles of the Indian Army, CRPF and J&K Police.
The seizure included two tiffin IEDs weighing 3 kgs each and a 15 kgs steel can explosive.
The IEDs were found hidden in a cavity and were concealed under boulders in the forest area of Gursai in Mendhar that is along the LoC.
A Bomb Disposal Squad was summoned to destroy the IED and a combing operation was launched in the area.
Vigil has already been stepped up along the international border (IB) and LoC amidst reports that Pakistan might attempt to disrupt the Lok Sabha elections in Jammu and Kashmir.