Saying “it is too much”, a disgusted Chhattisgarh Health Minister T.S. Singh Deo on Tuesday walked out of the Assembly after the opposition created an uproar demanding a House panel probe into a Congress MLA’s charge that the Minister was behind an attack on him.
Singh Deo, who has been lobbying hard for months to replace Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, said this on the second day of the Monsoon Session and walked out of the House. He said he will keep away from the Assembly proceedings until the government cleared the air regarding the allegation against him by a senior tribal legislator of his party.
During Zero Hour, Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu read out a statement about some youths attacking a vehicle in Ramanujganj Congress MLA Brihaspati Singh’s convoy at Ambikapur town on Saturday.
Leader of Opposition Dharamlal Kaushik called it a `serious matter’ as a ruling party MLA had alleged a threat to his life at the hands of a senior Cabinet minister.
The Speaker denied receiving any communication from the legislator. The Opposition asked the Speaker to take cognizance now that it has come to his notice.
Amid the chaos, Singh Deo stood up and declared: “Now, it is too much. I am also a human being and everyone knows my character and the background of my parents. I do not think it is rational to continue in this august House until the government clears the air on the allegations made against me.”
With the opposition still creating noisy disturbances, the House was adjourned for 10 minutes. When the House resumed, the opposition continued to seek a House panel probe.
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel tabled the supplementary appropriation bill amid the chaos while opposition members reached the well of the House. Later, the Speaker adjourned the House for the day.
On Monday evening, AICC General Secretary P L Punia cancelled his return to Delhi. He then met the legislator and the Minister in a bid to work out a truce.
Three youths attacked the vehicle in the convoy of Brihaspati Singh after their vehicle was overtaken by the MLA’s vehicles at Ambikapur. One of them turned out to be a relative of Singh Deo.
Police have registered a case and all three have been arrested.