Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday urged everyone, particularly the youth of the country, to visit border villages. This, he said, would acquaint them with different cultures and gives them an opportunity to experience the hospitality of those living there.
In a tweet, “Amrit Mahotsav” informed that under the Vibrant Villages Programme of the government, youth from Odisha were on a visit to Kibithoo & Tuting villages in Arunachal Pradesh.
The Vibrant Villages Programme is giving youngsters an opportunity to learn about the lifestyle, tribes, folk music and handicrafts of this northeast region and immerse themselves in its local flavours and natural beauty.
In reply to Amrit Mahotsav’s tweet, the prime minister tweeted: “Must have been a memorable experience. I would urge others, particularly the youth of India, to visit border villages. It would acquaint our youth with different cultures and give them an opportunity to experience the hospitality of those living there.”
In response to a tweet by Home Minister Amit Shah, the prime minister drew attention to the launch of development projects in Arunachal Pradesh and said, “These development works will improve quality of life for people living in remote parts of Arunachal Pradesh.”