Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav announced that PM Narendra Modi would perform the Bhoomi Pujan of the Ken-Betwa River Linking Project at Khajuraho in Chhatarpur district on 25 December, and the project will change the picture and destiny of not only Tikamgarh but the entire Bundelkhand by providing irrigation and drinking water facilities along with development in power generation, crop production and tourism sector.
He said that the project would realize the vision of Bharat Ratna and former Prime Minister Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee, as the bhoomi pujan would be carried out on his 100th birth anniversary. The CM also informed that Rs one lakh crore has been approved for the Ken-Betwa link project.
Addressing a ‘Jan Kalyan Parv cum Kisan Sammelan’ in Jatara tehsil of Tikamgarh district, Dr Yadav asserted that after the project is implemented, the district would never face the problem of drought again.
The CM also performed bhoomi pujan and dedicated 120 development works worth Rs 105.63 crore for Tikamgarh district. He offered laddus to the farmers present in the programme, and invited all the people to attend the Bhoomi pujan programme of Ken-Betwa Link Project to be organized in Khajuraho on 25 December.
He said that once the project takes shape, Bundelkhand will become green and prosperous, and migration from the region will also stop.