Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday chaired a high-level review meeting to discuss the progress made on schemes to be implemented based on his Independence Day speech.
The prime minister had spoken about making two crore Lakhpati Didis, i.e., making two crore women engaged in self-help groups (SHGs), or Anganwadis, lakhpatis (persons having assets worth Rs 1 lakh). He took stock of the various livelihood interventions planned to achieve this target.
In his Independence Day speech, Prime Minister had also spoken about equipping 15,000 women SHGs with drones for agriculture and related purposes. Modi was given an overview of the plans to implement this, ranging from the training of women SHGs to monitoring of activity.
The prime minister had also spoken about taking the number of Jan Aushadhi Stores in India to 25,000, from the present number of 10,000, to increase the reach of affordable medicines. The prime minister reviewed the implementation strategy for this expansion.