Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday greeted the people of Uttarakhand on its foundation day.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared a message on Twitter saying, “On Uttarakhand Foundation Day, my greetings to the people of the state”
Uttarakhand, which is currently ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party, was formed on 9 November 9, 2000, as the 27th state. The state was carved out of Uttar Pradesh.
Uttarakhand is divided into Garhwal and Kumaon regions, with a total of 13 districts.
Located at the foothills of the Himalayas, it is largely a hilly state and has international boundaries with China and Nepal and is often referred as ‘Dev Bhoomi’ (Land of Gods) due to large presence of Hindu temples and pilgrimage centres in the state.