Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave his “best wishes” on Tuesday to the new Gujarat team, after attending the swearing-in ceremony of the new cabinet to be led by Vijay Rupani as the Chief Minister for the second term. Nitin Patel will be Deputy Chief Minister.
PM Modi congratulated Vijay Rupani, Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel and all who took oath as Ministers on Twitter and gave his “best wishes” to the team “in their endeavour to take Gujarat to new heights of progress”.
PM Modi also acknowledged the people, who attended the ceremony to “bless the team”. PM Modi further added that “We cherish these blessings and their affection”.
Earlier, PM Modi took to Twitter to announce his arrival in Gujarat.
Governor OP Kohli administered the oath of office and secrecy to Rupani, the first to be sworn in followed by Patel as the duo began their second consecutive term. Both took the oath in Gujarati.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Amit Shah, Union Ministers, as well as chief ministers from 18 states along with veteran leader LK Advani were present during the ceremony.
The Gujarat Cabinet will have 20 ministers and some of the top names include Ishwarbhai Parmar, Jayesh Radadiya, Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, Patrabhai Patel, Vibhavari Dave and Pradipsinh Jadeja.
At the venue in Gandhinagar, three massive stages had been erected. Seated on one side were religious heads from across the country and on the other were all the top dignitaries while on the third dais, the swearing-in ceremony took place.
Meanwhile, Modi upon landing in Ahmedabad took out a roadshow of sorts as he drove from the airport to the venue, around 45 minutes away.
Earlier in the day, Rupani along with his wife Anjali visited the Panchdev temple in Gandhinagar.
In the 182-member house, BJP won 99 seats while the Opposition Congress secured 77 seats.