On 27 September, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted a short three and a half minute video on Indian health infrastructure and tourism on World Tourism Day. He emphasised the significance of having a strong medical and health foundation in India. In his programme, he also promoted the idea of having more citizens vaccinated from Covid 19 as it will help attract tourism to the country.
He put forward the idea of initiating and developing efficient medical facilities in India to sustain and attract health care seekers living abroad. After elaborating on how Indian tourist destinations such as Himachal, Goa, Andaman Nicobar, Sikkim, Nepal are progressing in getting their population vaccinated from the Covid 19 in their cities, he mentions that tourists prefer destinations with better health and medical facilities.
He amplified the caliber of Indian doctors by writing in his tweet, “Indian doctors are admired worldwide for their dexterity. India is taking numerous initiatives to emerge as a hub for medical tourism.” As pandemic has opened eyes to having improved health aids, we now also understand that hospitals and hospitality must go hand in hand.
Indian doctors and health system is increasingly improving day after day. Our doctors have earned respect all over the world. Even after having limitations around medical infrastructure at the moment, foreigners visit India to get the right treatment. After getting treated they happily go back to their nations and spread happiness.
Our vaccination programme, its technology, and the pharmaceutical sector already have made India earn respect in the healthcare domain. Moreover, when Ayushman Bharat will align with the digital mission with the help of advanced technology, people from around the globe will be able to take consultations from our skilled doctors.
Amid Covid 19 pandemic it has become more important than ever to have better grounds for the healthcare system. Tourists feel safe to travel in countries having more vaccinated people and premium healthcare.