Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inquired about the health condition of covid infected Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavraj Bommai, and singing nightingale Lata Mangeshkar over the telephone.
The 92-year-old Lata Mangeshkar reportedly was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital in Mumbai where she was diagnosed with mild symptoms of Covid-19.
Prime Minister Modi is learnt to have spoken to Bihar and Karnataka chief ministers and Lata Mangeshkar and made inquires about the state of their health in the wake of Covid infection.
Modi was said to have phoned Karnataka Chief Minister Bommai at 4:30 pm in the evening and inquired about his health and the other two members of his family infected by Covid.
According to a report the Prime Minister spoke to the Karnataka chief minister for five minutes. Modi advised Bommai and other members of his family to get appropriate treatment for Covid infection.
Modi also inquired about Covid’s situation obtaining in Karnataka and steps being taken to deal with it. Bommai told the Prime Minister said he would hold a virtual meeting with his cabinet ministers and top officials in preparation for his meeting with him on covid on 13 January, sources said.
According to a statement, the Karnataka chief minister told the Prime Minister that all the necessary steps were being taken, the vaccination expedited and experts consulted to deal with the emerging situation.
Basavraj Bommai, according to sources, went to a private hospital in the city and later came back to his residence and took a virtual meeting with officials entrusted with the responsibility of dealing with the pandemic in Karnataka.
Earlier, on Monday the Karnataka chief minister had through a tweet informed that he had developed mild symptoms of the virus and was under self-isolation at his residence.