The Chhattisgarh liquor scam controversy took centre stage in the Rajya Sabha as Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the issue amidst opposition accusations. PM Modi responded to the allegations by pointing to the involvement of the former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister in the scam and criticised the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) inconsistent stance on investigative agencies.
During his reply to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address on Wednesday, PM Modi noted that AAP had previously demanded the involvement of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to imprison the former Chief Minister. “At that time, they loved the ED,” he remarked. “But now, the same people are tarnishing the image of these agencies.”
PM Modi’s one hour and 50-minute speech covered a range of topics, including NEET, the Constitution of Manipur, Congress, West Bengal, employment, corruption, CBI-ED, federalism, the Emergency, Jammu and Kashmir, Indira Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and issues concerning Dalits.
On corruption, PM Modi criticised Congress leaders for taking photographs with convicted individuals and causing an uproar when corrupt individuals were jailed. He countered accusations against central investigative agencies by emphasising that the government does not misuse these entities.
PM Modi also pointed out contradictions in political alliances, saying, “AAP engages in corruption, commits a liquor scam, and even gets involved in children’s schemes. Congress complains and takes the AAP to court. When action is taken, Modi is blamed. Now, AAP and Congress have become allies. Fighting corruption is not just an election agenda for me, it is my mission.”
A year ago, the Aam Aadmi Party had cornered Congress over the Chhattisgarh liquor scam. AAP’s former state president Komal Hupendi alleged a scam exceeding Rs 9,000 crore, far beyond the initial estimate of Rs 2,000 crore. The party’s joint secretary, Abhishek Jain, had filed a complaint with the Mahasamund collector on July 2, 2020, detailing how duplicate liquor with counterfeit government hallmarks was sold illegally in government liquor stores without permits or proper scanning.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) mentioned in its charge sheet how a large-scale scam occurred in the Excise Department through a criminal syndicate led by Anwar Dhebar, the brother of Raipur Mayor Ejaz Dhebar. The ED’s charge sheet outlined how the excise policy was changed to sell liquor through Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation Limited (CSMCL). After 2019, Anwar Dhebar allegedly appointed Arunpati Tripathi as CSMCL’s MD, facilitating corruption through a syndicate involving officials, businessmen, and political figures, resulting in a Rs 2,161 crore scam.