A day after a historic sweep in the Lok Sabha elections that brought the BJP-led NDA government to power a second time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday called on party veterans LK Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi at their respective residences.
The PM credited Advani for the win and said that the 91-year-old BJP veteran “spent decades building the party”.
“Called on respected Advani Ji. The BJP’s successes today are possible because greats like him spent decades building the party and providing a fresh ideological narrative to the people,” Modi tweeted after meeting Advani at the latter’s residence on Friday.
Modi visited Advani’s residence where the two leaders engaged in a conversation. Modi also touched Advani’s feet.
Accompanied by BJP president Amit Shah, who replaced five-time MP Advani from Gandhinagar constituency, was also present at the meeting. Shah won the seat by a margin of 557014 votes.
After his meeting with Advani, PM Modi also met party veteran Murli Manohar Joshi at the latter’s residence.
The PM praised Joshi for his contribution to the Indian education system.
“Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi is a scholar and intellectual par excellence. His contribution towards improving Indian education is remarkable. He has always worked to strengthen the BJP and mentor several Karyakartas, including me. Met him this morning and sought his blessings,” he said in a tweet.
The BJP on Thursday recorded a stunning victory in the Lok Sabha elections.
PM Modi returned to power with a historic mandate, with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) sweeping over 300 seats on its own.
Modi thus became only the third Prime Minister in India and the first non-Congress leader to be elected for a second consecutive time after completing a five-year term.
Addressing supporters at the BJP headquarters in New Delhi on Thursday, the PM thanked the people of India and BJP workers in his victory speech
“We went to the people of the country for a new mandate in the 2019 Lok Sabha. Today we can see that the crores of people in the country have filled the sack of this fakir,” he said amid ‘Modi-Modi’ chants.
Before the PM’s speech, Amit Shah hailed the victory as a victory of the people.
Beginning his speech with ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’, Shah said that the mandate reflected the victory of the policy of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’ and PM Modi’s popularity.