Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday hit back at Congress MP Rahul Gandhi over his ‘Shakti’ remark saying the fight will be between those who want to destroy Shakti and those who worship it and he has readily accepted the challenge.
While Gandhi had said Shakti in the context of the might of the state, the Prime Minister while addressing a public rally at Jagtial in Telangana referred to Shakti as the feminine energy.
“They have said their fight is against a Shakti. Every mother is a form of Shakti, every daughter is a form of Shakti …I am a worshipper of Shakti…INDI Alliance yesterday at Shivaji Park announced their manifesto that they will destroy Shakti. I accept this challenge. I am ready to lay down my life to protect mothers and daughters,” said the Prime Minister.
He then went on to criticise the Opposition for the remark. “Can anyone talk about the destruction of Shakti on the soil of Bharat? Don’t we worship Shakti? We had also dedicated the success of Chadraayan to Shakti by naming the point where it landed as Shiv Shakti…Should you give an opportunity to all those who want to destroy Shakti?…INDI Alliance has exposed their agenda. The fight is between those who protect and those who destroy Shakti and the contest will be on 4th June,” he added.
The Prime Minister then accused the Congress of using the funds from Telangana exchequer to fund conspiracies and divisiveness. “Now Congress has made Telangana its ATM state. The money looted from Telangana goes to Delhi and reaches the safe of the dynasty. This money is used to fund conspiracies of lies and divisiveness. And the people know that a scamster never takes action against another one. That is why Congress, which levelled allegations of scams, now sits on those files.”
He also accused the Congress and the BRS of colluding with each other. He said, ”Though the Congress had many promises before coming to power but it is now unable to fulfil them. But the BRS is not talking about the unfulfilled promises of Congress. Instead both of them are helping out each other and are showering abuses on him.”
The best medicine would be to keep them away and vote for the BJP since the next 5 years would be crucial for the state, he added.