Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on Sunday flagged off Vande Bharat Express connecting Nagpur and Bilaspur at the Nagpur Railway Station. He also dedicated ‘Nagpur Metro Phase I’ to the nation, and laid the foundation stone of ‘Nagpur Metro phase- II’ at Khapri Metro Station.
The PM inspected the train coaches of the Vande Bharat Express and took stock of the onboard facilities. Modi inspected the control centre of the locomotive engine of the Vande Bharat Express and also took stock of the development plans of the Nagpur and Ajni Railway Stations. The travel time from Nagpur to Bilaspur will be reduced to 5 hours 30 minutes from 7-8 hours.
The PM later tweeted: “Flagged off the Vande Bharat Express between Nagpur and Bilaspur. Connectivity will be significantly enhanced by this train.”
He also flagged off two inaugural metro trains from Khapri to Automotive Square and Prajapati Nagar to Lokmanya Nagar. Phase I of the Nagpur Metro is developed at a cost of more than Rs 8650 crore while Phase- II will be developed at a cost of over Rs 6700 crore.
Modi arrived at the Khapri Metro Station after taking a ride in the Nagpur Metro from Freedom Park Metro Station. Before boarding the metro at Freedom Park Metro Station, he walked through the Nagpur Metro Rail Project and witnessed the ‘Sapno Se Behtar’ exhibition that was showcased.
He bought himself an e-ticket at the AFC Gate and travelled with students, citizens and officials. He also interacted with them on the journey.
Later, the PM tweeted: “I would like to congratulate the people of Nagpur on the inauguration of the Nagpur Metro’s Phase 1. Flagged off two metro trains and also took a ride on the metro. The metro is comfortable and convenient.”