Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday directed the authorities to make all possible efforts to bring back the mortal remains of Naveen Shekharappa, who died in Kharkiv, Ukraine during Russian shelling on March 1.
The Prime Minister earlier in the day chaired a CCS meeting to review India’s security preparedness, and the prevailing global scenario in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
The Prime Minister was briefed on latest developments and different aspects of India’s security preparedness in the border areas as well as in the maritime and air domain.
The Prime Minister was also briefed on the latest developments in Ukraine, including the details of Operation Ganga to evacuate Indian nationals, along with some citizens of India’s neighbouring countries, from Ukraine.
PM Modi had in the past chaired several high level meetings with senior Ministers of the cabinet and officials since Russia launched a military operation against Ukraine on February 24 and India began a massive evacuation mission named Operation Ganga to airlift stranded Indian nationals including students.
So far, the government brought back over 20,000 Indians from the war torn country, through the neighbourhood countries of Ukraine.
On March 11, over 600 Indian students, stuck in northeastern city Sumy were airlifted to New Delhi using humanitarian corridor provided by the Russian authority.
These Indian students arrived here on Friday by three flights including one Indian Air Force’s C-17 globe master under Operation Ganga.