Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, dedicated to the nation the successful implementation of three new criminal laws – Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, which came into force on July 1, 2024, replacing the British-era Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Indian Evidence Act, respectively.
Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Modi said the new criminal laws represent a concrete step towards realising the ideals enshrined in the Constitution for the benefit of all citizens. These laws signify the end of colonial-era laws. The colonial-era laws were the medium of atrocities and exploitation committed by the British when they ruled over India.
“The 1857 revolution shook the roots of British rule and in 1860, they brought the IPC and later, the Indian Evidence Act and the CrPC framework came into being. The purpose of those laws was to punish Indians and keep them enslaved,” said Prime Minister Modi.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on the occasion that three laws have been fully implemented in Chandigarh. “Within three years of the registration of an FIR, one will get justice. Our criminal justice system will be the most modern in the world,” he said. Union Home Minister Shah also praised the Chandigarh Administration for fully implementing the new laws.
Earlier, Prime Minister Modi watched a live demonstration simulating a crime scene investigation under the new laws. He was also briefed by Chandigarh Senior Superintendent of Police Kanwardeep Kaur.
The prime minister and Home Minister Shah were accompanied by Punjab Governor and Chandigarh Administrator Gulab Chand Kataria, UT Chandigarh Adviser Rajeev Verma, and Chandigarh Director General of Police Surendra Singh Yadav.
The conceptualisation of the three laws was driven by the vision of the prime minister to remove colonial-era laws that had continued post-independence, and to transform the judicial system by shifting focus from punishment to justice. Keeping this in mind, the theme of this programme is “Secure Society, Developed India- from Punishment to Justice.”
The new criminal laws that were implemented nationwide on July 1, 2024, aim to make India’s legal system more transparent, efficient, and adaptable to the needs of contemporary society. These landmark reforms mark a historic overhaul of India’s criminal justice system, bringing in new frameworks to tackle modern-day challenges such as cybercrime, and organised crime and ensuring justice for victims of various offenses.
The programme showcased the practical application of these laws, demonstrating how they are already reshaping the criminal justice landscape. A live demonstration was also held, simulating a crime scene investigation where the new laws will be put into action.