A public interest plea has been filed in the Supreme Court, challenging Tamil Nadu Government’s decision to construct a 134 feet tall ‘Pen Monument’ in honour of late Chief Minister and DMK patriarch MK Karunanidhi at Marina Beach near Muthamil Kalaignar Karunanidhi Memorial.
A public interest plea by Madurai resident KK Ramesh has urged the top court to direct the Tamil Nadu Government and the Ministry of Environment to withdraw the decision to construct the monument as it could damage the ecosystem.
The petitioner has alleged that all the departments of the state government gave clearance for the proposed monument in breach of the statutory regimes governing the environment protection.
Alleging that all clearance for the monument project were given by different departments in haste, the public interest petitioner has said that unchecked construction activities in the Marina Beach area would have a devastating effect on the natural water flow that may ultimately result in severe natural calamities.
The plea also sought direction to protect the coastal regions of all coastal States from the rising sea-levels and erosion.
“Prohibit any construction work or alternative work or any development work in the coastal regions of all states of India,” says the PIL. It has further sought the prohibition of the burial of any mortal remains in all coastal areas across the country and to encourage the plantation of suitable trees.
The plea has stated: “The expert opinions suggest that the devastating floods faced in recent years in Tamil Nadu are the immediate result of uncontrolled construction activities on sea shores and unscrupulous trespass into the natural path of backwaters.”
The monument, estimated to cost Rs 80 crore, could further affect the coastline and will impact the fish population since Marina Beach is an area which has a high-accretion rate (accumulation of sand).
Earlier, some residents of the state had also approached the top court seeking direction to the Tamil Nadu government and Ministry of Environment to cancel the construction of ‘Pen Statue’ project within the Marina beach and not to damage the ecosystem, marine life of Marina beach.
The DMK has defended the decision to build the ‘Pen Monument’, saying it is the most befitting move to honour the literary genius who was also a political colossus.
Apart from being a politician, Karunanidhi was an accomplished writer and he wrote almost daily for the DMK’s newspaper ‘Murasoli.’