Ahead of the International Meatless Day on November 25, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India supporters will be “barbecuing” a dog on a grill in Lucknow.
The event will take place on Wednesday at Gomti riverfront.
The shocking visual, using a dog prop, will send out the message that all animals are made of flesh, blood, and bone and that everybody has the same capacity to feel pain and a variety of emotions. Eating meat means eating the corpses of sentient beings who valued their own lives “just as dogs do” and did not want to die.
PETA India Senior Campaigns Coordinator, Radhika Suryavanshi, said in a release that, “PETA India is encouraging people who find the thought of eating a dog distasteful to keep all animals off their plates. When it comes to the capacity to suffer and feel pain and fear, chickens, goats, and fish are no different from dogs.
She further said that every person who goes vegan, spares nearly 200 animals a year immense suffering and a terrifying, bloody death in the-meat, egg, and dairy industries.
PETA said that vegans are less likely to be afflicted with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer all of which are widespread health problems in India.
In addition, animal agriculture is a leading cause of water pollution, deforestation, and greenhouse-gas emissions, and a United Nations report concluded that a global shift towards vegan eating is necessary to combat the worst effects of climate change.
Today, chickens used for eggs are confined to cages so small they cannot spread a wing, fish suffocate or are cut open while they’re still alive, and calves are torn away from their mothers soon after birth so that humans can steal the milk meant for them. At the slaughterhouse, animals are typically killed in full view of one another and dismembered while they are still conscious.