Tamil Nadu Governor C Vidyasagar Rao has called a meeting at 11.30 am on Thursday with Edappadi Palanisamy who was picked by AIADMK General Secretary VK Sasikala for the post of chief minister.
Vidyasagar Rao is expected to decide by this afternoon who will take oath as Tamil Nadu's next chief minister, media reports stated.
Palaniswamy and four other AIADMK MLAs will meet the Governor, the reports added.
Meanwhile, Sasikala, convicted for corruption, on Wednesday surrendered before a trial court set up in the prison complex in Bengaluru.
Sasikala gave herself up at the Central Jail on the city's southern outskirts with her relatives Elavarasi and VN Sudhakaran after reaching from Chennai by road.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday, while holding Sasikala and two others guilty of amassing disproportionate assets, had directed Sasikala to surrender to the trial court to undergo her remaining sentence.