In a response to a query in Rajya Sabha, Women and Child Development minister Smriti Irani on Thursday said that over 1500 cases of child marriage have been reported between 2013 to 2017.
Irani presented five-year data of the status of child marriage in the country. The data showed an increase in cases of child marriage in the country.
As per the data, the highest number of cases was recorded in 2017 at 395. In 2016, there were 326 cases received related to child marriage.
In 2015, there were 293 cases registered while in 2014 as many as 280 cases were reported. In 2013, there were 222 cases of child marriage reported in the country.
It is to be noted that the first law to prevent child marriage was the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929. The flaws of the act were rectified and a new act name Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 was introduced.