

Opposition walks out of Kerala Assembly over price hike

Congress legislator Roji M John said that the government’s lack of awareness regarding the price surge amounts to ignoring people’s hardships.

Opposition walks out of Kerala Assembly over price hike

Kerala legislative assembly [Photo:IANS]

The Congress-led UDF Opposition on Wednesday staged a walk out from the Kerala Assembly in protest against the failure of the state government in addressing a hike in the prices of essential commodities.

Seeking to adjourn the House proceedings to discuss the issue, Congress legislator Roji M John said that the government’s lack of awareness regarding the price surge amounts to ignoring people’s hardships.

Replying to the motion, Food and Civil Supplies Minister GR Anil said that inflation is a national issue and asserted that the government has undertaken effective market interventions to curb the price rise.


Roji M John said the government is “feigning ignorance” about the price rise of essential commodities over the past month.

“The price of vegetables, fish, meat and eggs have doubled. The people are unable to go to the market. The LDF government had promised to provide chicken at Rs 85 per kilo. But where is it? In fact, the people are unable to get a chicken leg at this price. I am keen to know whether the state government is providing any monetary benefits to Civil Supplies for market intervention. The minister himself had earlier said here that his department had not received any amount which has been earmarked for the Food and Civil Supplies Department by the Finance Department,” said Roji.

Roji said: “Supplyco is without supply” as it welcomes the consumers with empty racks. He did not spare Pinarayi Vijayan too where he maintained that at least the rent being given for the helicopter should be given to Supplyco.

Food and Civil Supplies Minister CR Anil said the price rise being witnessed now is a temporary phenomenon due to climate change and natural calamities.

Opposition Leader V D Satheesan came out against the irresponsible attitude of the Food and Civil Supplies Department.

“When Supplyco is commemorating its 50th anniversary, the LDF government has become its destroyer. The inflation has been up from 50% – 200%. It’s unfortunate that the Food and Civil Supplies Minister has replied about rice being distributed from ration shops when the Opposition’s motion was on inflation. We collected the comparative prices of vegetables and other essential goods from various markets including Horticorp outlets,” said Satheesan.

After the Food and Civil Supplies Minister’s reply, Speaker AN Shamseer denied the Opposition leave for an adjournment motion. Following this, the opposition walked out of the Assembly.
