A day after Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann asked Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit to take up the state’s case for getting Rural Development Fund (RDF) from the Centre, the Governor on Friday responded saying the matter is currently “sub judice” but sought information on increase of over Rs 50 thousand crore debt on the state during the tenure of Aam Aadmi Party government.
In the response letter to the CM , the Governor expressed his dedication to his duty of serving the people of Punjab and acknowledged the CM’s request for his intervention in taking up the RDF case (of Rs 5637 Crore) with the Prime Minister.
The Governor, however, also noted that the matter is currently sub judice and that the CM had already approached the Supreme Court before seeking his involvement.
Purohit emphasised the importance of respecting the due process of law and awaiting the judicial decision on the matter. He said allowing the judicial decision to unfold would be appropriate before taking any further action on this issue.
Raising a point regarding the state’s financial situation, the Governor said the debt of Punjab had increased by approximately 50,000 crore during the current government’s tenure.
“To facilitate a more informed approach in addressing the RDF matter,” the Governor has asked the CM to provide detailed information regarding the “utilisation of this substantial amount of debt”.
This information, the Governor believes, will enable him to effectively present the case to the Prime Minister and demonstrate that the funds have been utilised in a responsible and beneficial manner for the people of Punjab, an official spokesperson of the Governor said.
“The Governor remains dedicated to upholding the best interests of Punjab and its residents. His commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability in matters concerning the state’s finances and resources reflects his unwavering commitment to diligently serve the people of Punjab,” the spokesperson added.