The Delhi government led by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has decided not to permit any relaxation in the lockdown even after April 20, announced Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday, adding that the government will review the situation again after a week on April 27.
“In view of the grim situation where all the 11 districts of the state capital are declared hot spots. Delhi, where two per cent of the country’s total population lives but 12 per cent of the total cases in India are from the national capital. Therefore, there will not be any relaxation in the lockdown,” said CM Kejriwal.
He further added, “I understand the problems people are facing, but considering the health of the residents of Delhi, there will not be any change in the rules and regulations of the lockdown.”
The nationwide lockdown, which began on March 25 to arrest the spread of the highly infectious novel coronavirus or COVID-19, has been extended till May 3.
There are 1893 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Delhi, with 42 deaths so far, according to Ministry of Health’s data.