Reacting to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s wish of being a Rajya Sabha member, senior RJD leader Rabri Devi on Thursday said that he should leave quickly as nobody in the state want him here.
“If Nitish Kumar wants to go to the Rajya Sabha, he should go quickly. No one here in Bihar wants to stop him. No one wants him to stay here,” Rabri Devi said.
On Nitish Kumar being a probable candidate for vice president or president, former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi said, “Whatever post he obtains or wherever he wants to go, I would only say that he should leave Bihar.”
“The law and order situation has hit rock bottom. Nitish Kumar claimed of ‘sushashan’ (good governance) in Bihar. I want to ask him where is ‘sushashan’. Criminal incidents are occurring in Bihar everyday. The rule of law has no value in the Nitish Kumar government,” she claimed.
Rabri Devi said when legislators of the Left parties were protesting inside the house, they were forcibly evicted by marshals.
“Such an incident is extremely dangerous for democracy. No one has forgotten the incident last year when ruling NDA leaders, including the Chief Minister were involved in directing police officials and marshals to beat opposition leaders during the budget session. No one would rule the state permanently. The power can be shifted. If the government in the state would change at any point, they may face the consequences of today’s aggressions,” Rabri Devi said.
The Left parties leaders, headed by Mahboob Alam and Manoj Manjil, protested inside the state assembly against frequent murders and other criminal incidents. They entered the well of the House and shouted slogans against the NDA government.
Speaker Vijay Sinha asked them to resume to their seats and let the House function but as they did not pay heed, he directed the marshals to take them away.