Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is in Punjab protesting against the farm bills, on Tuesday said that it was ‘no big deal’ that he was pushed to the ground by the Uttar Pradesh Police when he and his sister Priyanka Gandhi Vadra were on their way to Hathras to meet the family of 20-year-old Dalit girl who was allegedly gang raped and murdered by a group of upper-caste men.
In his press conference, Rahul Gandhi took a dig at Modi Government and said, “The entire country is being pushed to corner and being beaten up. What’s the big deal if I was pushed. It’s our job to protect the country, we have to stand with the farmers. The government is such that if we stand against them, we will be pushed. Dhakka kha lenge, lathi kha lenge,”
“Jo unimaginable dhakka laga… wo us parivar ko laga.” he further added.
In the press conference Rahul Gandhi spoke about the UP administration and the handling of the case and his purpose for visiting the victim’s family.
He said, “People who have daughters will understand this. Do you have a daughter? If not, you will understand the murder aspect of the (Hathras) case. Imagine, someone kills your son and locks you up in your house. The District Magistrate threatens you and tells you to not open your mouth. What if they tell you: ‘Rahul Gandhi will go but UP government will be here’. That’s why I went there so they don’t feel alone. I am here for all the women who have faced sexual violence,”
Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had visited the victim’s family on Saturday, two days after they were stopped by the U.P administration.
Visuals showed Mr Gandhi being pushed and falling to the ground amid a tussle with UP cops last Thursday. In another video, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra could be seen trying to protect supporters who were being lathicharged.
Ex- Congress Rahul Gandhi also questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s silence on the Hathras case and said, “ A girl was raped and murdered and the entire administration has targeted the victim’s family, yet PM doesn’t say anything. This is interesting.”
The 20-year-old girl who had scummed to her injuries on September 29, and her ‘dead-of-night’ cremation has sparked nationwide outrage.