The BJP has appointed Nitin Nabin as the new in-charge of its Chhattisgarh unit, replacing Om Mathur. Nabin, who previously served as the co-in-charge of the state, takes over the key position with immediate effect. BJP president JP Nadda announced the appointment on Friday. Additionally, BJP national vice president and Kondagaon MLA Lata Usendi has been named as the co-in-charge for Odisha.
Om Mathur had been overseeing BJP’s affairs in Chhattisgarh but became inactive after the assembly elections. During the Lok Sabha elections, Nitin Nabin effectively led the party’s campaign in the state, showcasing his leadership capabilities. Mathur is currently in Delhi and has been absent from Chhattisgarh since February.
Nitin Nabin is a seasoned politician from Bihar, currently serving as a minister in the state government. He is the son of veteran BJP leader Nabin Kishore Sinha. Elected as the MLA from Bankipur constituency four times, Nabin has a track record of electoral success, including a notable victory over Luv Sinha, son of Shatrughan Sinha, in the 2020 assembly elections. Nabin has also held the position of national general secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha.
Nabin’s recent achievements include steering the BJP to victory in both the Chhattisgarh assembly and the Lok Sabha elections, where his strategic acumen played a crucial role in defeating the incumbent Congress government led by Bhupesh Baghel.
Om Mathur’s absence from Chhattisgarh since February has sparked various speculations within the party. Despite being a key strategist during the assembly elections, he did not participate in subsequent important meetings.
According to sources close to Mathur, he felt his role was complete after ensuring the BJP’s success in the state elections, prompting his return to New Delhi. Some party insiders speculate that Mathur could be in contention for the BJP national president position, although his age of 72 might be a factor against this possibility.
Lata Usendi, the national vice president of the BJP and MLA from Kondagaon, has been appointed as the co-in-charge for Odisha. Usendi secured a significant victory in the last assembly elections, defeating Congress’s Mohan Markam by over 18,000 votes. Markam, a prominent tribal leader, had won the Kondagaon seat twice and served as the Chhattisgarh Congress president from June 2019 to July 2023.