Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Friday has supported the voice of students demanding the postponement of NEET and JEE examinations. She tweeted a video on Twitter asking the centre to “listen” to students who have raised concerns over conducting the examinations amid the spread of the pandemic.
“My dear students, I feel for you because you are now facing a very difficult situation. The issue of your exams, of when they should be held and where, is the most important issue not only for you but your family too,” she said.
“You are our future. We depend on you to build a better India. Therefore, if any decision has to be taken regarding your future, it is important that it is being taken with your concurrence. I hope the government listens to you, listens to your voices and act upon your wishes. This is my advice to the government. Thank you. Jai Hind,” she added.
“Students are our future, we depend on them to build a better India, therefore, if any decision has to be taken regarding their future it is important that it is taken with their concurrence,” the tweet captioned.
Last week, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had joined the voices of students in their demand to postpone the JEE and NEET examinations amid the spread of deadly coronavirus.
“Government of India must listen to the #StudentsKeMannKiBaat about NEET, JEE exams and arrive at an acceptable solution,” Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet.
“Today, lakhs of students are saying something to the government. Their concerns about the NEET, JEE examinations should be heard,” he added.
READ: Government must listen to ‘Students Ke Mann Ki Baat’ about NEET, JEE exams: Rahul Gandhi
Earlier in the day, six non-BJP ruled states approached the Supreme Court seeking a review of its order permitting the centre to allow the commencement of JEE and NEET examinations.
On August 17, the Supreme Court had dismissed a petition seeking the postponement of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) and Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), scheduled to be held in September.
Refusing to defer the examinations, the top court had said, “The careers of students can’t be put in jeopardy”.
READ: Six non-BJP ruled states approach Supreme Court seeking review of its decision to hold JEE, NEET