In a tragic incident, a Maharashtra police constable died after his throat got slit by a kite string, Mumbai Police said on Sunday. The incident, according to the police, took place when Sameer Suresh Jadhav was returning to home on his bike after duty.
He failed to notice the kite string, which entangled around his neck, slitting his throat like a sharp weapon.
The incident reportedly took place at Vakola bridge on the Western Express Highway.
He was rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors declared him brought dead.
Jadhav was attached to Dindoshi police station in Goregaon and was going back to his home in Worli on his motorcycle.
A case has been registered in this regard at Kherwadi police station and further investigation is on.
“Police constable Sameer Suresh Jadhav who was going home after duty, on his bike, died after his throat got slit by a kite string. Kherwadi Police registered the case and started further investigation,” Mumbai Police said.