Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that ‘Mukhya Mantri Sikho-Kamao Yojana’ will provide new opportunities of employment, progress and development to the youths in the state.
Mukhya Mantri Kaushal Kamai Yojana was renamed as ‘Mukhya Mantri Sikho-Kamao Yojana’ and was approved yesterday in the state Cabinet meeting which was chaired by the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister in Bhopal.
Under the scheme, at least one lakh youth will be provided with training in establishments. Local residents of Madhya Pradesh, 18 to 29 years old youth, whose educational qualification is 12th or ITI or higher, will be eligible to be covered in the scheme.
After the training, the State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) certificate will be given by the Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board (MP SSDEGB). The scheme will provide stipend to the youth along with training.
Chouhan said: “The new scheme will give wings to the youth by enhancing their capacity so that they can fly high in the open sky and they get new opportunities for employment, progress and development.”
Under the scheme, the registration of establishments giving training to youth will start from June 7 and the registration of youth willing to learn new skills will start from June 15 and the placement will start from July 15.
From July 31, the contract will be processed between the establishment that gives the training and the state government. The youth will start working from August 1. Financial assistance will be provided to the youth during the period of learning from work.