Himachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri met the union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat here on Tuesday and sought aid in the wake of damages caused to the hill state due to flash floods and heavy rains recently.
Agnihotri, who also holds the charge of Jal Shakti department apprised the union minister of the unprecedented losses suffered by the state particularly due to the damage caused to the water supply services and irrigation projects.
Claiming that the Jal Shakti department alone suffered losses to the tune of Rs 1,630 crore, he urged the union government to release Rs 500 crore for the restoration and retrofitting of the damaged projects under the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM).
Agnihotri said there was an urgent requirement of funds for the restoration of water supply schemes, irrigation schemes, and water-related infrastructure which have been badly damaged due to incessant rains.
Speaking to the Statesman, Agnihotri mentioned that the minister agreed to take up the issue with the finance ministry and the union cabinet for the requisite assistance.
Elaborating on the issue, Agnihotri pointed out that the maximum devastation has been observed along the banks of river Beas in Kullu-Manali Valley. Mentioning that there has been a history of such occurrences along this river, he cited that the Jal Shakti Vibhag has prepared a detailed project report for Rs.1669 crores for channelization of Beas after conducting model studies from CWPRS, Pune.
“I have requested the union minister to approve the same at the earliest to safeguard life and property of people, particularly in Kullu-Manali Area,” he said adding that the same was important in view of its strategic importance as Kullu-Manali Airport, the Chandigarh-Leh National Highway lies on the banks of this river. He added that channelisation of this river would ensure the safe movement of tourists besides transportation of Horticulture produce from the Kullu and Lahaul Valley.