Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has announced an increase in the amount paid to beneficiary couples under the ‘Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah-Nikah Yojana’ from Rs 49,000 to Rs 51,000.
The chief minister made the announcement at a function held at the Dewas district in Madhya Pradesh. He said a social revolution is taking place in Madhya Pradesh, in which women are becoming self-dependent and their respect in the family and society is increasing.
He said daughters faced injustice in the past, but now with the state government’s several initiatives for girls and women, the daughters are being considered a boon in the society.
The CM said schemes like the ‘Laadli Behna Yojana’, ‘Laadli Laxmi Yojana’, ‘Mukhaymantri Kanya Vivah-Nikah Yojana’ and others are empowering girls and women not only financially but also socially.
He said an increase of Rs 2,000 has been made in the amount paid under the ‘Mukhaymantri Kanya Vivah-Nikah Yojana’ and now the newly married couples would be given Rs 51000 instead of the previous Rs 49,000.