Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav has ordered transfers of the Transport Department Principal Secretary, State Transport Commissioner, Guna Collector and the SP following the dumper- bus collision which claimed 13 lives.
As many as 13 bus passengers were charred to death and 15 sustained serious injuries after the bus collided with a dumper in Guna district on Wednesday night. The private bus ferrying around 30 passengers, was going from Guna to Aaron, about 40 km away while the dumper was coming from Aaron to Guna.
On the Chief Minister’s orders yesterday, senior IAS Officer and Transport Department PS Sukhveer Singh, senior IPS Officer and MP Transport Commissioner Sanjay Jha, Guna Collector IAS Tarun Kumar Rathi and Guna SP IPS Vijay Kumar Khatri have been transferred and relieved from their posts.
The CM had already ordered the suspension of Guna Regional Transport Officer (RTO) Ravi Bareliya and Guna Chief Municipal Officer (CMO) B D Katroliya .
According to information, the bus owner, Bhanu Pratap Singh Sikarwar is the brother of Guna district BJP Vice-President Vishwanath Singh Sikarwar.
Police have booked Bhanu Pratap Singh Sikarwar under relevant sections of the IPC and the Motor Vehicles Act.
According to reports, the fitness certificate of the bus involved in the accident had expired on 17 February 2022 and its tax was paid only till 31 July 2022. Its insurance had lapsed on 30 April 2021.
The bus was more than 15 years old and had no permit and still it has been plying freely till the accident took place.