Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav confirmed receiving investment proposals worth more than Rs 3 lakh 75 thousand crore for the state through various investment conclaves held in the past and about 84,000 jobs are expected to be generated through them.
The chief minister was interacting with industrialists of Shahdol division through video conferencing from the Rewa Airport on Monday night.
Talking about the Regional Investors Meet being organised on 16 January in Shahdol, he said many investment proposals have been received for industrial development in the state.
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that Shahdol division has already received investment proposals worth Rs 20000 crore.
Emphasising the importance of all investments, be it a proposal of Rs 10 crore investment or that of Rs one crore investment, Dr Yadav urged district collectors to prepare new entrepreneurs for start-ups within two days.
Highlighting 2025 as the ‘Year of Industry and Employment’ in the state, he noted that its objectives would be achieved through investors’ meets.
The CM informed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would inaugurate the Global Investors Meet in Bhopal on 24 February.
The CM also noted that January 14, Makar Sankranti, is being celebrated as Women Empowerment Day across the state.
He extended his greetings for the festival and highlighted the launch of a major water conservation initiative under the Jal Shakti Yojana in Ujjain. Emphasizing the importance of water conservation, he stated that prosperity in the state depends on ensuring water availability in every village and farm.