The Akhil Bharatiya Brahmin Sabha has criticized Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan for razing the parental house of Pravesh Shukla, a BJP leader who urinated over a tribal man in Sidhi district of the state, drawing condemnation from across the country.
President of Akhil Bharatiya Brahmin Samaj Pushpendra Mishra has alleged that the state government should not have demolished the house as the house is not in Shukla’s name.
Mishra said the community is collecting funds and Rs 51000 would be given to the family to help them rebuild the structure.
The community leaders said they are also considering moving the court against the BJP government’s action of bulldozing Shukla’s house.
Mishra, however, chose to clarify that the community is against what Pravesh Shukla did and he deserves punishment for his action.
“But the state government should not have made his old parents and wife and sister homeless in this rainy season,” he said.