Delhi Police conducts verification drive to identify illegal immigrants
To identify illegally staying Bangladeshi nationals, The Delhi Police on Thursday conducted a verification drive in the Sangam Vihar area of Delhi.
Vulnerable road users face higher risks due to their lack of protective covering, unlike occupants of cars and heavy vehicles. Comparing data from 2021 and 2022, Delhi reported 1,461 road accident deaths and 5,201 injuries in 2022, compared to 1,239 deaths and 4,273 injuries in the previous year
Representation image (IANS)
Every year, more than 1.2 million people succumb to fatal road crash incidents globally, with an additional 20 to 50 million individuals sustaining injuries, often leading to disabilities, according to the World Health Organization. The majority of victims in road traffic incidents fall under the Vulnerable Road User (VRU) category, comprising pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
In an effort to address road safety concerns in the national capital, the Delhi Traffic Police has released a comprehensive crash report. The report analyzes data to identify the factors contributing to road accident fatalities and injuries, with a focus on vulnerable road users, and proposes measures to enhance road safety in the city.
Vulnerable road users face higher risks due to their lack of protective covering, unlike occupants of cars and heavy vehicles. Comparing data from 2021 and 2022, Delhi reported 1,461 road accident deaths and 5,201 injuries in 2022, compared to 1,239 deaths and 4,273 injuries in the previous year.
Delving into the statistics reveals a concerning situation for VRUs in Delhi. Pedestrians accounted for 43% of the total victims killed, while motorcyclists made up 38%. Together, these two groups constituted 78% of the injured and 81% of the fatalities, classifying them as vulnerable road users.
Pedestrians, being the most vulnerable group, experienced 629 fatalities and 1,777 injuries in 2022, compared to 504 deaths and 1,536 injuries in 2021. Motorcyclists, the next most vulnerable category, contributed to 552 (37.78%) fatal road crashes and 2,263 (43.49%) injuries in 2022. The data indicates that one in every three deaths or injuries involved two-wheeler riders. Notably, the share of two-wheelers as victims has been gradually increasing since 2020.
Over the years, the percentage of deaths among car occupants has remained between 2% and 4% of total fatalities. Recognizing the critical role of safe vehicles in preventing crashes and reducing the likelihood of severe injuries is imperative.